
To provide the rental service with photonic Ophthalmic Dry Eye Treatment Equipment by Germany designed

Berlin Alder's EOS? dry eye treatment system is the world's leading dry eye treatment device for the safe and effective treatment of MGD ( meibomian gland dysfunction) and related dry eye diseases, as well as anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and mite removal. Skywavemed is the only agent in Hubei and Henan province (some regions) we sincerely invite customers and third-party companies with such needs to come to consult and negotiate.

The EOS? Dry Eye Treatment System from Berlin Alder is the world's leading dry eye treatment device for the safe and effective treatment of MGD (meibomian gland dysfunction) and related dry eyes, anti-inflammatory, bactericide and mite removal. The unique four-pulse technology provides optimal pulse therapy to ensure safe and efficient treatment of dry eye diseases.

Product features: Effective treatment of MGD (meibomian gland dysfunction) and related dry eye, restore meibomian gland function, improve the stability of tear film, promote tear secretion, reduce palpebral border vascularization; Unique MCP4 (four-pulse) technology makes the output of four cylindrical square waves uniform, eliminating energy spikes and avoiding skin burns; Unique dual cooling technology (water cooling circulation system + sapphire cooling unique technology) continuous, contact cooling allows patients to feel no pain during treatment; The light emission time and energy are more accurate, and the operation life of the phototherapyheed is as long as 400,000 times;

We sincerely invite customers and third-party companies with such needs to come to consult and negotiate.

长沙县| 金平| 德令哈市| 攀枝花市| 建始县| 孙吴县| 古田县| 凤台县| 包头市| 罗城| 察隅县| 桂东县| 金坛市| 抚宁县| 彰化市| 浦北县| 来安县| 塘沽区| 敦煌市| 遂川县| 买车| 桑植县| 满洲里市| 前郭尔| 孝感市| 大宁县| 华坪县| 大同县| 山东省| 昆明市| 苏尼特左旗| 垣曲县| 宿州市| 石渠县| 尼勒克县| 长垣县| 贵阳市| 曲周县| 武宁县| 平邑县| 万宁市|